Shopify Integration For EPOS


Integrate Shopify with Epos Direct

  • Simple self-setup wizard
  • Automated integrity checks
  • Manage online inventory using existing Epos Direct stock
  • Keep data in sync between Epos Direct and Shopify
  • Works with Epos Direct Warehouse App for multi-locations
  • Epos Direct or Shopify serve as the master platform
  • Shopify customers sync to Epos Direct client base as soon as the orders are placed
  • Shopify tax codes automatically sync through for precise cross-state reporting

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Shopify Integration For EPoS
Sku: Shopify Integration For EPoS
Categories:  Shopify ,

Integrate and Automate with Epos Direct Shopify

You can now integrate your Epos Direct EPOS system with Shopify and increase your Orders by renting out via the leading platform for online commerce websites

Integrate your Unifying in-store and Offline Sale

Integration of Shopify with Epos Direct EPOS systems brings seamless management for both your physical in-store and offline product sales, inventory, transactions, customer information.

Possessing online and offline sales and payment transactions in sync mode will be helpful for your retail store to find it easier to understand your business more and track your profits and investments effortlessly to make sure your stock and inventory are accurate

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Epos Direct launches Shopify integration to smartly manage your online and offline business

Cloud-based POS provider Epos Direct has incorporated a feature that simplifies the business by synchronizing it with the commerce platform Shopify, to ease the functionality, orders, payments, online inventory, storing data and location information, and much more keeping in mind to become highly productive for small, medium, and large size businesses

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Target your audience and enrich the reach

Shopify EPOS systems help you to sell products anytime anywhere, as all the stock will be in sync with your inventory. Let's you catch customer interests, you can organize your stock accordingly. Email marketing, loyalty schemes, and much more digital possibility.

This integration elevates your business like a brick-and-mortar store. Seamless shipping shows your business authenticity, easy refunds, payments will gain customer trust and thereby evolves in repeat customers and engages new customers

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Fully Online and seamless Accessibility

Integrating Shopify with EPOS systems helps to transform everything completely online and to make it easier to access, update, upgrade, and uploading of software, ratings, customers, products, and much more respectively. It kicks off the routine functions with automation and fully focuses on the important part of your business.

Warehouse and e-commerce are fully connected to online to enhance and ease the challenges in business also to welcome, attract and engage online buyers

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